ETCHUS Drinkware

Custom Drinkware

Engraving drinkware is a fairly large piece of our business and one of the ways a lot of clients find out about us! We offer and stock a couple of very high quality brands that you have likely never heard of. However we also allow clients to bring in their own new and unused drinkware for engraving. We offer a variety of different customization options including laser engraving, sand etching, uv print and screen printing.

Stainless Steel Insulated Drinkware

Commomly referred to as a YETI, RTIC, Stanley or just powder coated tumbler. We have the ability to engrave these in house using our laser engravers. Whether you bring your own cups or use the ones we sell, we can get the engraving done for you in a timely and cost effective manner. Customizing drinkware is great for personaliztion and excellent for promoting businesses!

Small volume orders can be done by appointment and most times you can even come back and watch the process while we get your project done!

Get a Quote or Setup and Appointment

Glass Engraving

We offer both laser engraving and deep engraving services for glass drinkware. As long at the glass will work with our tools, we can engrave it for you.

While laser engraving gets the job done; deep engraving takes it all to the next level. The deep engrave uses the laser process first and then follows it up with a sand carving process.

Laser Engraving gives a fractured type finish while the deep engraving gives, well, a deep finish. Something that quickly activates the sense of touch!

Quote me on some Glass Engraving!

UV Printed Drinkware

We offer a variety of UV Printed options for drinkware. When you need a full color logo and want it to look top notch and still hold up, UV Print is an excellent solution.

We do require a 48 unit minimum for all UV Print orders!

Let's UV Print These BadBoys

Screen Printed Glass

When cost is a factor and you need the most cost effecitve option available we head down the road of screen printing. While screen printing takes the longest to complete, it is a great solution for customized glassware.

Our glass screen printing services carry a minimum order quantity of 200 units and is available in a variety of colors.

Screen Printing It Is!

Here are some examples of our work

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Thanks for making it to the very bottom of this page and perhaps the end of the internet. If you would like to have us quote a project for you, just hit the button below, fill out the form and we can get it done! Operators are standing by waiting for your communication!